Saturday, January 10, 2009


wow, straight up. this semester sucked. i've never experienced suck like this, well except possibly in 7th grade, but i was young, and confused, and everything felt traumatizing. haha. i guess this was a semester full of inadequacy. which i hate feeling. inadequate student, for obvious reasons. inadequate friend, because sometimes, or more so, usually, i don't always express my appreciation for people. inadequate person, because i guess, i always hold back, and never just really let go. i don't know. and i guess, i've gotten used to this feeling of inadequacy, or just an so sucked into to wallowing, that i don't even want to get out. i guess this month-ish of doing nothing besides watching crime shows and horriblely junky but addicting reality tv has turned me into this wallowing blob. and i hate dwelling. and wallowing.

i really just want to pick up and flyyy somewhere warm. mmm.

i'm not an emo kid.

just a kid stuck in the land of suck.

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